Thursday, 20 November 2008

Hooray! Throne Speech Proposes National Securities Regulator

The news that the Government of Canada has proposed in the Throne Speech, as reported by the Financial Post, to establish a national securities regulator is indeed welcome. It should simplify the ordinary investor's life through a single set of rules across Canada and improve the capability to police companies. ... Oops it seems that Québec won't want to be part of it, to which I say, "chers compatriotes, soyez réaliste, la crise financière démontrent on ne plus clairement que les investissements ne reconnaissent pas les frontières. Participez à la construction d'une agence qui peut améliorer notre sort commun. Le temps d'être clochard est révolu depuis longtemps."

The financial crisis shows that what we actually need is some regulation on a world scale and a single Canadian regulator is a step in that direction as a voice for Canada.

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